(608) 755-1524 sales@computer-center.com


Essential Cyber Security for Your Small Business

How to Protect Your Small Business from Cyber Attacks, Hackers, and Identity Thieves Without Breaking the Bank

One in five small businesses fall victim to cybercrime each year. Cybercrime costs the global economy billions of dollars each year and is expected to continue to rise because small businesses are considered low-hanging fruit and easy prey for criminals. Inside You’ll find practical, cost-effective ways to protect you, your clients’ data, and your reputation from hackers, ransomware and identity thieves. You’ll learn: -The truth about Windows updates and software patches -The 7 layers of security every small business must have -The top 10 ways hackers get around your firewall and anti-virus software -46 security tips to keep you safe

Price includes all taxes and shipping withing the continental US.  Please allow 2-4 weeks for delivery.


James Pearson

With over 30 years of experience in the computer industry, James purchased The Computer Center from its founder Paul Braun after being an employee for 10 years. His background has included computer sales, repair and classroom instruction. He is a Microsoft Certified Professional. James holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Communications from Beloit College. He remains a resident of Janesville, with his wife and two daughters.

He has appeared as a guest on WCLO discussing cyber security, and is currently speaking on cyber security to small businesses, training their staff on how to identify scams and identity thieves, and protect themselves from the real and growing cyber attacks aimed at small businesses.