Thursday 30s
The 30 Minute FREE Weekly Webinar Series
Join us each week for a 30 minute, absolutely-free webinar! Each webinar addresses a bite-sized, technology-related business issue. Whether it’s tips and trick for getting more out of your Microsoft Office programs, enhancing your security without breaking the bank, or learning about new and emerging technologies, each webinar is specifically designed for busy business owners and professionals like you!
Register below to get access to the Webinar series. Don’t worry, we won’t spam you, just send you the information you will need to get connected to the webinar, and a couple of reminders. You’ll also get a calendar reminder you can add to Outlook or nearly any other calendar system, so you won’t miss a single one!
Please note, the webinars are live events and may not be made available afterwards. If you are interested in any of the topics it is important that you register and attend as it may be the only time we offer that topic.
Your Presenter
James Pearson
With over 30 years experience in the computer industry, James purchased The Computer Center from its founder Paul Braun after being an employee for 10 years. His background has included computer sales, repair and classroom instruction. He is a Microsoft Certified Professional. James holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Communications from Beloit College. He remains a resident of Janesville, with his wife and two daughters.
Weekly Webinar Topics
Thursday, August 29 – Free Productivity Enhancing Tools Included with Office 365 That You Probably Aren’t Using in Your Business
Whether you’re currently using Office 365, or just curious about it, let me show you 10 great features that can help you work smarter, be more efficient, and look more professional. Chances are you’re not even aware of, or taking advantage of most of these!
September 5th – The 7 Layers of Security Every Law Firm Must Have
How many of the 7 necessary layers of security do you have in place at your law firm? Cybercrime is at an all-time high and ID thieves and criminals are targeting small businesses and law firms because they think you are the low-hanging-fruit. The easy targets! Learn how you can protect your firm using the Layers approach, without breaking the bank.
September 12th – Understanding Metadata and How It Affects Security
The documents you create contain metadata. Information that is not readily visible but is easily found and could be damaging if made public. Learn more about what metadata is, and some practical ways to help protect you and your clients’ privacy by keeping your documents clean and metadata free.
September 19th – What Your Law Firm Must Know Before Moving to the Cloud
The “Cloud” is all the rage. But what exactly is it? What does it mean and is it safe? During this webinar I’ll explore some myths about the Cloud and discuss important security issues you must know to keep your data safe.
September 26th – Why Your Law Firm Must Have 2 Wireless Networks
You may be unwittingly putting your practice at risk via your wireless network. Even if you don’t give out the password, there are serious vulnerabilities which can be exploited and lead to data breaches. Learn what it takes to have a properly configured and secure wireless network and why you must have two of them!
October 3rd – What Every Lawyer Must Know about Data Encryption and Security
Data encryption protects your data and your devices from breaches due to accidental loss, theft, or hacking. In this webinar we will review the basics of encryption and how to apply it in your firm.
October 10th – Protecting Client Data – Behavior vs Technology
Regardless of the technology and security you may have in place, protecting you and your clients’ data requires education and an understanding of technology’s limitations. Statistics show that about half of all data breaches are due to user error, not hacking or malware. Learn how to protect your data with proper behaviors.
*Hey, we hate spam as much as you do. Know that your information will not be shared with anyone else.