Protect Your Small Business' Most Important AssetNetwork Security
Williams Bay, WI
Yes, we all hear about the data breaches, and personal information theft from companies like Equifax, Yahoo!, Target, and Home Depot. But the National Cyber Security Alliance reports that 1 in 5 small businesses have been the victims of cybercrime in the last year! Small businesses in Williams Bay just like yours are under attack by cybercriminals and identity thieves. Why? Because most small business owners don’t have the resources, or know-how, to truly secure their networks, and protect their data.
How Many of the 6 Layers of Security Does Your Small Business Have in Place?
We have identified 6 crucial layers of security that every small business must have in place to protect themselves against cyber criminals. Honestly, the layers aren’t difficult to implement, for someone that knows how. Further, the cost to implement these 6 layers is minimal, compared to the expensive cost of fines, downtime, and loss of customers.
Is Your Firm and Client Data at Risk?
One in five firms fall victim to a data breach. Do you have all 7 of our recommended layers of security in place? Download a free copy of James Pearson's book "Essential Cyber Security for Your Law Firm" and find out now.

Receive 2 FREE hours of IT support OR a Business Technology Assessment
Get answers to key questions such as: Are your IT systems truly secured from hackers, cyber criminals, viruses, worms, and even sabotage from rogue employees? Are your backups configured properly? Are you unknowingly exposing your company to extensive fines and litigation under Wisconsin data breach laws? Could you utilize cheaper and more efficient cloud computing technologies? And, are your systems optimized for maximum speed and performance?