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In the market for a new smartphone? A handy comparison chart of the latest available smartphones can help with your purchase decision. This year’s smartphone lineup reveals a focus on 5G compatible devices, increasingly better cameras, and battery-life imporovements.

This is the seventh annual State Bar of Wisconsin summary of the best currently available smartphones. Attorneys I corresponded with for this article say the top concerns surrounding smartphones are overall performance, battery life, and price. Secondary and almost tied are the operating system, storage, camera, and screen quality.

About 20 percent more correspondents have adopted Apple iOS devices compared to those adopting Android-based devices. And, attorneys stated they were unlikely to change their device platform, choosing instead to stay with the OS and carriers they know. Security is also a big issue this year, especially as COVID-19 pushes more attorneys to work remotely and rely on their mobile devices more than ever.

Changes for 2021

In this year’s smartphone lineup, manufacturers are addressing camera quality, including phones with multiple cameras and improved features such as better low-light pictures, wide angle, and greater zoom, with improved designs. Consumers continue to do more with their phones, using them as primary devices for communication as well as entertainment, making 5G coverage increasingly important. Battery-life improvements include faster-charging technology and bigger batteries whenever possible. Processors have increased performance in phones this year as well.

Click the link to read more on the wisbar.org site. For help setting up your AUP or any computer-related issues or needs, contact The Computer Center by visiting computer-center.com/contact or call (608) 755-1524.