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How to Spot a Phishing Email

It’s the perfect time for hackers to send emails with dangerous malware and viruses. Right now, your inbox is probably filled with “COVID-19” subject lines and coronavirus-focused emails.

Hackers are even using a fake cdc-gov email address that’s not legitimate and spamming inboxes.

How can you tell a phishing email from a legitimate one? Here’s a few telltale signs:

  • Look closely at the email address to make sure it’s spelled correctly.
  • Hover over any links in the email (but DON’T CLICK) to see the ACTUAL website you’ll be directed to. If there’s a mismatched or suspicious URL, delete the email immediately.
  • Watch for poor grammar and spelling errors.
  • Never download an attachment unless you know who sent it and what it is.

When in doubt, call the person who supposedly sent the email on the phone to verify it’s legitimate.

Want more tips for setting up safe Work From Home networks? Check out www.computer-center.com/covid19